EdSmart qualifies for the 2023 ST4S Product Badge Program

EdSmart qualifies for the 2023 ST4S Product Badge Program


EdSmart qualifies for the 2023 ST4S Product Badge Program

As part of a commitment to excellence in EdTech, EdSmart is proud to announce our inclusion in the Safer Technologies 4 Schools (ST4S) Product Badge Program, which identifies our single schools technology as having successfully qualified for the minimum requirements of the ST4S assessment framework.

Not every technology that undergoes assessment is eligible for this Product Badge. Being able to attach the badge to our single schools’ platform serves as further recognition for our security, privacy and functionality achievements across the past year in dutifully serving our school communities.

"We take this qualification very seriously. I cannot overstate the work we’re putting into our product, so having EdSmart recognised as part of such a thorough and rigorous ST4S process gives us confidence we’re on the right track.”

As a national framework, ST4S assesses online education products and services under the following five pillars: security, privacy, functionality, online safety and integrations. Wearing the ST4S badge comes in addition to EdSmart’s qualification for theISO 27001 Information Security Management certification, first achieved in November 2022.

“Our ISO certification stands as evidence of our ongoing dedication to exemplary information security management,” Courtney continues. “Achieving ISO certification alongside ST4S is a double win that offers our schools much-needed peace of mind. We understand the intense concerns around security and privacy,, especially concerning the younger, more vulnerable members of society.”  

“ST4S works like ISO in that you have ST4S Readiness Checks on an annual basis,” she adds. “This means we’re always putting our processes to the test – nothing can slip – and, really, in terms of getting the most security assurance available, you can’t beat that.”

EdSmart integrates with a number of other technologies that have also joined the ST4S Badge Program. To verify certification, visit the ST4S Badge Program page and search for a company by name.

More about Safer Technologies 4 Schools

Safer Technologies 4 Schools (ST4S) is designed to reduce the duplication of assessments by providing a consistent national/international framework for reviewing EdTech services in K-12 schools. 

An initiative of Education Services Australia (ESA) – a national not-for-profit organisation run by the State, Territory and Federal Government education ministers – ST4S is facilitated by the National Schools Interoperability Program (NSIP), which is a business unit of ESA.

ST4S receives direction from the ST4S Working Group, which compromises the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and their nominated representatives from each State/Territory Department of Education, Catholic and Independent bodies that are members of the group and the New Zealand Ministry of Education.

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